Default | "d8s_cluster" |
Value | Python String |
Changes |
Cassandra keyspace used for dovecot cluster.
This page lists settings used by the Cluster Controller.
For Dovecot Core Palomar settings, see Palomar Configuration Settings.
Default | "d8s_cluster" |
Value | Python String |
Changes |
Cassandra keyspace used for dovecot cluster.
Default | "d8s_cluster" |
Value | Python String |
Changes |
Cassandra keyspace to use.
Default | "DCAwareRoundRobin" |
Value | Python String |
Allowed Values | "RoundRobin" "DCAwareRoundRobin" |
Changes |
Policy to use for cassandra load balancing. Determines how requests are distributed among nodes in the cluster.
Default | "d8s_cluster" |
Value | Python String |
Changes |
Name of the local datacenter in Cassandra cluster.
Default | 9042 |
Value | Python Integer |
The port Cassandra servers listen on.
Default | 4 |
Value | Python Integer |
Version of the cassandra protocol to be used.
Default | "localhost" |
Value | Python String |
Comma separated list of Cassandra server endpoints.
Default | "d8s_cluster" |
Value | Python String |
Changes |
Name of the local datacenter in Cassandra cluster.
Default | False |
Value | Python Boolean |
Whether to use TLS in Cassandra connections.
Default | 0 |
Value | Python Integer |
Changes |
is set to "DCAwareRoundRobin",
controls how many nodes in each remote datacenter will have connections opened
against them.
Default | {} |
Value | Python Dictionary |
Needed when using Redis Sentinel where it's required to provide "master_name" as a key in the dictionary.
Default | "redis://localhost:6379/0" |
Value | Python String |
A valid URI to Redis server or Redis Sentinel used for controller task brokering.
Default | "redis://localhost:6379/0" |
Value | Python String |
A valid URI to Redis server or Redis Sentinel used for holding task results.
Default | {} |
Value | Python Dictionary |
Needed when using Redis Sentinel for celery results where it's required to provide "master_name" as a key in the dictionary.
Default | 60 |
Value | Python Integer |
Time to live of task results in Redis (in seconds).
Default | "dc1a" |
Value | Python String |
Palomar site this controller is responsible for. Must be the same
site name configured in dovecot proxies with cluster_local_site
Default | "http://localhost:8000" |
Value | Python String |
URL controller API runs on. The server will bind to this address and the admin UI uses this address to send the HTTP requests.
Default | 200 |
Value | Python Integer |
Changes |
Whether to enable DRY_RUN mode to log but not perform controller worker actions, such as: set_host_offline, set_host_online and move group.
Default | False |
Value | Python Boolean |
Whether to enable group balancing feature. This feature slowly redistributes users between groups in the same backend so they are roughly the same size.
Default | 10 |
Value | Python Integer |
Changes |
If group size differences are larger than the given percentage, users will be redistributed.
Default | 10 |
Value | Python Integer |
Changes |
If group size differences are larger than the given percentage, users will be redistributed.
Default | 200 |
Value | Python Integer |
See Also |
Maximum total number of users that can be moved (across all groups) at each
iteration of group balancing. Should be higher than
since that setting
controls number of users moved between a group pair while this setting
controls the total sum of users moved across all group pairs.
Default | 100 |
Value | Python Integer |
See Also |
Maximum number of users that can be moved between individual groups at each iteration of balancing. Used to prevent big swings in group sizes and too much load on Cassandra.
Default | 600 |
Value | Python Integer |
Changes |
Maximum time for a group move to finish in seconds. Controller tries to calculate the finish time based on the trend of moved users so far. If it seems that backends won't be able to finish the move in time, it will be forced. A forced move is done by directly setting group's backend ID in GeoDB.
Default | 180 |
Value | Python Integer |
Changes |
Maximum allowed time of a group move to start in seconds. If backends don't start moving group after this time, a force move will be done. A forced move is done by directly setting group's backend ID in GeoDB.
Default | 3600 |
Value | Python Integer |
Minimum time in seconds between moving groups from hosts with failing logins to other hosts. If a host has high failure rate and the cool off time from its last group move has passed, controller will try to find another host which also has passed its cool-off period to move a group to.
Default | 10 |
Value | Python Integer |
Minimum number of logins needed in past 5 minutes to start processing host's health (i.e. change backend status if necessary or move groups from it if there is high failure rate).
Default | 0.1 |
Value | Python Float |
Ratio of failed logins or mail deliveries to trigger group moves. Must be in (0, 1) range exclusive.
Default | 3600 |
Value | Python Integer |
Changes |
Minimum time in seconds a group will not be moved to a new backend. If a group needs to be moved for load balancing, this period is honored and groups that have been moved recently will not be moved again. Must be larger than 0.
Default | 3600 |
Value | Python Integer |
Changes |
Minimum time in seconds a group will not be moved to a new backend. If a group needs to be moved for load balancing, this period is honored and groups that have been moved recently will not be moved again. Must be larger than 0.
Default | 3000 |
Value | Python Integer |
Number of samples over the last 24 hours needed for all the Z-scores for a host to do load balancing.
Default | 0.5 |
Value | Python Float |
Minimum load score difference between backends to initiate group move. See Cluster Controller Load Balancing.
Default | "" |
Value | Python String |
If set, will be used as the job name to scrape backend and proxy statistics. Required when a Prometheus instance is used that is managed outside of kubernetes installation (e.g. a central instance or mixed environments). If the Prometheus instance scrapes each site hosts with a different job name, this setting must have the value of the job name to prevent unwanted data in query results. Can be empty if using the bundled Prometheus with controller.
Default | "http://localhost:9090/" |
Value | Python String |
URL of Prometheus used to gather backend and proxy statistics.