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) Added: 3.0.0
The Chronos push-notification driver supports sending notifications on MessageNew
events if the message contains a calendar invite.
This driver was designed for use with the OX App Suite iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP) but can be used by any endpoint that implements the same API.
The chronos push notification driver requires the push-notification plugin to be loaded.
Key/Value options used with push_notification_driver
Name | Required | Type | Description |
push_notification_driver | YES | string | To identify this settings block the driver should get the value chronos . |
push_notification_chronos_url | YES | string | The HTTP end-point (URL + authentication information) to use for sending the push notification. Contains authentication information needed for Basic Authentication (if any). Example: http<s> + "://" + <login> + ":" + <password> + "@" + <host> + ":" + <port> + "/chronos/v1/itip/pushmail" For HTTPS endpoints, system CAs are trusted by default, but internal CAs might need further configuration. See Configuring OX App Suite endpoint. |
push_notification_chronos_msg_max_size | NO | size | Maximum size a message may have to be considered for push notification sending. (DEFAULT: 1mb ) |
mail_plugins {
notify = yes
push_notification = yes
push_notification_chronos = yes
push_notification chronos {
driver = chronos
url = http://login:pass@node1.domain.tld:8009/chronos/v1/itip/pushmail
msg_max_size = 500kb
Push notification is sent in JSON format with the following fields:
Name | Type | Description |
user | string | The username of the account receiving the message on the Dovecot backend. |
event | string | RFC 5423 event type. Currently, only MessageNew . |
folder | string | Mailbox name in which the message was saved. Can be other than INBOX, in case sieve filters are active. A trivial deduplication is enabled if the sieve script copies the files into different folders, then only for one of the messages a push notification will be sent. |
body | string | Full message content of the mail, including headers and text. The field content is escaped to comply to the JSON format. |
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"user": "4@464646669",
"event": "MessageNew",
"folder": "INBOX",
"body": "From:\nTo:\nSubject: calendar\nContent-Type: text/calendar\n\nICAL CONTENT\n"